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There is no amendment/ correction to the reported data from the previous reports.

Environmental Performance

Resources Usage - Energy

  Units 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Electricity consumed (QGO and APB Centre) [1]   kWh/m2 208 217 219 218 234
CO2 emission equivalent to electricity consumption (QGO and APB Centre) [2] Tonnes CO2-e 3,664 3,840 3,817 3,808 3,967
Energy saved due to energy efficient installations [3] GWh 5.74 5.16 0.79 [5] 6.90 9.58 [4]
Equivalent monetary savings [6] HK$ million 6.89 6.19 0.95 [5] 6.90 9.58
Avoided CO2 emissions [3] Kilo Tonnes CO2-e 4.02 3.61 0.55 [5] 4.83 6.71
[1] Offices in QGO and APB Centre represent a majority of total ArchSD office space. Total ArchSD office area is assumed to be 25,194.1 m2 (11,083.3 m2 for APB and 14,110.8 m2 for QGO 31/F& 33/F-41/F). The percentage of electricity consumption of the whole premises for ArchSD office at APB & QGO is assumed to be 100% and 20% respectively.
[2] Territory wide default GHG emission factors (0.7) were used based on the Guidelines to Account for and Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals for buildings (Commercial, Residential or Institutional Purpose) in Hong Kong issued by the Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR in February 2010.
[3] The data obtained from 2007 onwards take Building Energy Code (BEC) 2007 as the baseline. Energy efficient features refer to air-conditioning installations, lighting installations, hot water installations, lift & escalator installations, building energy management system and renewable energy technologies. ArchSD staff advises which project will be completed for the concerned year and then the energy template to be completed by the corresponding project officer. Total energy saved due to energy efficient installations can be summed up.
[4] In 2010, 2 large-scale completed projects including a Government Departmental Headquarters and a Hospital Extension Block contributed to the major increase. In 2011, the Tamer Development Project was completed and contributed to most of the energy saving. In 2012, the New CAD Headquarters and North Lantau Hospital Phase 1 contributed to most of the energy saving.
[5] The nature of the completed projects (i.e. parks, open spaces, promenade, aqua privies, radar station, etc.) in 2014 did not warrant significant energy saving in term of BS installations.
[6] The electricity tariff is assumed to be HK$ 1.2 per kWh and HK$ 1.0 per kWh from 2014 onward and before 2014 respectively.

Resource Usage - Fuel

  Units 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Fuel consumption by ArchSD's pool cars   Litre 12,656 13,071 12,800 13,142 13,998
GHG emission equivalent to fuel consumption by ArchSD pool cars [7] Tonnes CO2-e 34.3 35.4 34.7 35.6 37.9
[7] GHG emission factors for mobile combustion are based on the Guidelines to Account for and Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals for buildings (Commercial, Residential or Institutional Purpose) in Hong Kong issued by the Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR in February 2010.

Resource Usage - Office Materials

  Units 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
A4 paper consumption   Reams 18,082 18,169 18,485 18,346 18,330
A3 paper consumption Reams 1,169 1,171 1,118 1,053 934
Envelop consumption No. 35,672 42,883 44,084 43,294 53,818

Waste Management in Programme Areas of Facilities Development and Upkeeping

  Units 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Construction & demolition materials
C&D waste disposed of to landfills   Tonnes 36,775 46,822 37,593 24,125 46,261
C&D materials disposed of to public fill areas Tonnes 543,054 693,029 604,238 644,728 556,560
Recyclable waste collected at APB Centre
Waste paper   kg 15,717 15,932 19,522 19,335 19,375
Aluminium No. 1,676 1,631 4,918 5,900 8,407
Plastic bottles No. 3,798 3,013 2,975 3,385 3,690

Environmental Convictions of Contractors

  Units 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Convictions per 100,000 man-hours   ArchSD sites(HK sites) 0.122
0 [8]
Monetary value of significant fines HK$ 100,000 0 [8] 227,000 18,500 61,000
[8] In 2015, most of the on-site projects were in the final stages of the construction, hence environmental impacts to the neighbourhood were manageable and contented.

Environmental Expenditure

  Units 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Resources devoted to environmental works   HK$ million 568.4 639.3 761.6 892.2 1,101.1
Percentage of annual expenditure % 6.3 7.3 10.9 12.2 11.7

Social Performance[9]


  Units 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Staff establishment (As at fiscal year-end)   No. 1,814 1,814 1,810 1,795 1,792
[9] Staff data is extracted from the records kept in the personnel section.

Staff Establishment Breakdown

By Post
Directorate   % 2
Professional % 24
General Staff % 21
Site Staff % 31
Technical % 22
By Employment Type
Full-time   % 100
By Employment Contract
Permanent (male)   % 64
Permanent (female) % 30
Contract (male) % 4
Contract (female) % 2
By Age (31.3.2017)
Age under 30   % 11.0
Age 30-49 % 45.4
Age 50 or above % 43.6
By Ethnicity
Local   % 100
Non-local % 0
By Gender
Male   % 68
Female % 32

Staff Training

  Units 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
No. of training courses (including internal and external seminars/ workshops/ training courses/ visits)   No. 366 374 287 270 240
Numbers of trainees No. 8,302 6,961 6,619 6,674 4,902

Training Hours Breakdown [10]

Type of Staff   Total Training Hours Received (hours) Training Hours Per Staff (hours)
Directorate Staff   1,183 31
Professional Grade Staff 16,528 36
Technical, Site Supervisory and General Grade Staff 17,600 13
Total 35,311 19.2
[10] As there is no distinct requirement regarding receiving training in terms of gender, we do not report the data broken down by gender.

Anti-corruption Training

Type of Staff   Number of Staff Participated Anti-corruption Training Percentage of Staff against establishment
Directorate Staff   2 5%
Professional Grade Staff 101 22%
Technical, Site Supervisory and General Grade Staff 219 16.4%

Staff Turnover

  Male Female
Age under 30   0.5% (9) 0.2% (3)
Age 30-50 2.7% (48) 0.2% (4)
Age 51-55 0.2% (3) 0.1% (2)
Age 56-60 2.8% (50) 0.7% (12)

New Employee Hires

  Male Female
Age under 30   1.6% (29) 0.8% (14)
Age 30-50 2.6% (47) 1.2% (22)
Age 51-55 0.1% (2) 0% (0)
Age 56-60 0.1% (2) 0% (0)

Staff Injury

  Units 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Staff injury cases [11]   No. 5
(Male: 4, Female: 1)
4 4 1 4
Staff sick leave granted for staff injury cases Days 168.5 50 174 7 119.5
[11] The definition of staff injury cases is the reported cases of occupational injuries, under Employee's Compensation Ordinance, resulting in death or incapacity for work over 3 days.

Contractor's Accident Rate

  Units 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
No. of fatalities [12] (ArchSD)   No. 2
(Male:2, Female:0)
0 1
(Male:1, Female:0)
0 4
(Male:4, Female:0)
Fatal accident rate [12] (ArchSD) per 100,000 man-hours 0.007 0 0.004 0 0.013
Fatal accident rate [13] (HK Construction Industry) per 100,000 man-hours 0.003 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009
No. of non-fatal accidents (ArchSD)[12] No. 70
(Male: 64, Female: 6)
98 80 68 130
Non-fatal accident rate [12] (ArchSD) per 100,000 man-hours 0.26 0.34 0.31 0.27 0.43
Non-fatal accident rate [13] (HK Construction Industry) per 100,000 man-hours 0.96 1.08 1.16 1.13 1.22


[12] Data of 2016 and the previous years was extracted from PWP Construction Site Safety and Environmental Statistics System (PCSES) of DEVB as at 1 September 2017.
[13] The accident rate of the HK Construction Industry is based on the published statistics of the Labour Department and using a conversion of 1.67 accidents per 100,000 man-hours equivalent to 60 accidents per 1,000 workers per year.