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Scope and Objective

Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (‘HKQAA’) was commissioned by the Architectural Services Department (hereinafter referred to as “ArchSD”) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to provide independent assurance of the ArchSD Sustainability Report 2017 (‘the Report’) which was prepared in accordance with the Core option of the GRI Standards issued by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The Report states ArchSD’s major activities and achievements on sustainable development from 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2016. Besides, the financial data are reported for the financial year ended 31st March 2017.

Assurance Methodology

The assurance process was undertaken with reference to the International Standard on Assurance Engagement 3000 (‘ISAE 3000’) – “Assurance Engagement Other Than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information”. In addition, reliability of the selected sustainability information and data were verified following the process consisted of:

  • Identification and classification of statements, figures, charts and data sets to be verified
  • Verification of selected representative samples of data and information consolidated in the Report, reviewing relevant documentation, interviewing responsible personnel with accountability for preparing the Report
  • Cross-checking the raw data and evidence of the selected samples that support the reporting content in order to reduce the risk of error or omission to an acceptably low level


HKQAA was not involved in collecting and calculating the reporting data, or in the development of the Report. HKQAA’s activities are independent from ArchSD.


Base on the outcome of the verification process, HKQAA confirmed that the report was prepared based on the Core options of the GRI Standards. The information presented in the Report provided a material and complete representation of the performance of ArchSD in the context of sustainable development. The verification team confirmed that the Report was prepared based on factual statements and that the data contained within the Report are accurate. It is a fair and honest representation of initiatives, targets, progress and performance on ArchSD’s sustainable development achievements.

Signed on behalf of HKQAA

Jorine Tam
Jorine Tam
Director, Corporate Business
September 2017
