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Caring for the Staff

Caring for the Staff

GRI102- 44

Human resources are our greatest asset at ArchSD, for our every success rests upon their professional expertise, collective wisdom and deep dedication. In order to deliver quality professional services to our clients and the general public, we strive to build a well-trained workforce by providing adequate training opportunities as well as individual development programme to our staff. In parallel, we endeavour to create a healthy, safe, and fun working environment where values of our staff can be realised and enhanced, and at the same time enjoying a high level of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Occupational Health and Safety

A workplace free of occupational health and safety hazards and risks is essential to safeguard our staff wellbeing and ensure our service delivery, which is why we take every opportunities to evaluate risks and minimise the likelihood and impacts of hazards when encountered. To ensure compliance of all safety standards, we conduct regular safety inspections to identify, evaluate and monitor hazards. Workplace safety walk, workplace risk assessment and workplace accident investigation are conducted for whole workplaces of ArchSD, covering employees of ArchSD as well as workers working in workplace controlled by ArchSD. Any new hazards or near misses will be reported and investigated promptly at both the departmental and project levels to safeguard the safety of our employees. Thorough risk assessments as well as formulate mitigation plans and control measures are also performed regularly to miminise and avoid potential risks.

The Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety Policy sets out our strong commitment in ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for the entire workforce and exhibits our dedication to improve our health and safety management system continuously. To this end, we incorporate international best practices and industry standards into our operations by implementing OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System under our Integrated Management System (IMS). Performance and measures related to health and safety are monitored regularly and reviewed quarterly by the Occupational Health and Safety Representatives Working Group (OHSRWG) for continuous improvement. The OHSRWG consults and communicates to and from staff and those affected on all occupational health and safety matters and provide feedback to the Integrated Management Committee chaired by the Deputy Director of Architectural Services.

In line with our occupational health and safety related policy, guidelines and management systems, we arrange an array of trainings for the staff, including but not limited to Safety Training Course for Site Management Staff, Certificate in Safety and Health for Supervisors (Construction), and Mandatory Basic Safety Training Course (Construction Work). Emergency evacuation exercises are conducted to all levels of staff to raise their awareness and emergency preparedness.

Training Summary of 2018

Training Types No. of Trainees No. of Training Hours

Leadership & Management Skills



Professional & Vocational Training



Career Development






Staff Total Training Hours

Staff Total Training Hours: 34,178 hours in 2014; 35,020 hours in 2015; 35,311 hours in 2016; 36,048 hours in 2017; 41,872 hours in 2018

Recreational Activities

The pursuit of work-life balance and a strong foundation of mutual understanding among employees are instrumental in achieving high level of performance at ArchSD. As such, we are dedicated to creating a harmonious working culture that is conducive to team building. During the reporting year, we continued to organise a range of sports and recreational activities through our ArchSD Site Supervisory Staff's Recreation, Sports and Welfare Group to help support the holistic wellbeing and foster stronger team spirit among our staff.

A total of 20 sports and recreational activities such as hiking, sports competition and hobby classes were organised in the reporting year.

Highlights of Sports and Recreational Activities in 2018

Islands District Distance Run
Islands District Distance Run
Joining summer bowling class
Joining summer bowling class
Enjoying a hike at Tsuen Kam Au
Enjoying a hike at Tsuen Kam Au
Competing at the football championship organised by ArchSD
Competing at the football championship organised by ArchSD
Competing at badminton tournament organised by the Development Bureau
Competing at badminton tournament organised by the Development Bureau
Inter-governmental department bowling competition
Inter-governmental department bowling competition
A hot spring tour to Shaoguan Xiaokeng National Forest Park
A hot spring tour to Shaoguan Xiaokeng National Forest Park
Annual Dinner 2019
Annual Dinner 2019

Volunteer Activities

As committed civil servants, we dedicated to leveraging our resources to connect, support and thrive together with the community. We actively encourage our colleagues to make positive impact on society by taking part in community services. To foster a volunteering culture within the organisation, we organise voluntary services through Volunteer Service Team on a regular basis.

In the reporting year, we participated in 21 community activities, contributing a total of 1,044 hours of service to the society.

Summary of Volunteer Service

2016 2017 2018

Total Number of Hours of Staff Volunteer Service




Number of Volunteers




Number of Voluntary Projects Completed




Number of Active Volunteer (delete extra space) Service Team Members[1]




Number of Staff Received Commendation for Voluntary Service[2]




  • [1] - Active Volunteer Service Team member is defined as team member contributes more than 20 hours on volunteer service.
  • [2] - Staff who receives commendation for volunteer service is defined as team member contributes more than 30 hours on volunteer service.