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Message from the Director

Director - ArchSD

Welcome to ArchSD's 2019 Sustainability Report. Let's embark together on the 'Journey to Innovative Construction'!

The rapid development of innovations and technologies (I&Ts) brings about a game-changing epoch to conventional industries, including the construction sector. ArchSD endeavours to facilitate and collaborate with our partners to harvest optimal I&Ts for the sustainable development of the industry at large.

This Report highlights our extensive use of BIM from facilities development to upkeep, examples include the West Kowloon Government Offices and a refuse collection point in Kai Tak; our adoption of MiC in a 648 quarter units project with modular installations to be completed early next year; and our incorporation of a passive environmental design strategy for the expansion and renovation of the Hong Kong Museum of Art to uphold sustainable building concepts. We venture innovative solutions for facilities upkeep through using IoTs such as active water leakage detection and tree motion sensing systems. Meanwhile, ArchSD continues to pursue our Corporate Intelligence (CO-i) for a more sustainable and efficient office operations, to nurture young colleagues, and to capture knowledge of the veterans through our ArchSD Academy.

I am sincerely grateful for the endless efforts made by our partners, clients and colleagues that have culminated in our achievement. Regardless roles or positions, please continue to support ArchSD in this 'Journey to Innovative Construction', for enriching our built environment in a sustainable manner. I hope you enjoy reading the Report, and please do share your Feedback.
