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Supporting Community Development

GRI102- 44

Throughout the years, ArchSD has been supporting the industry and the society through our participation in events and exhibitions. We treasure every opportunity to demonstrate and display our designs and best building practices to industry partners and professionals and at the same time engage and interact with the public community.

InnoCarnival 2018

Echoing with the theme of 'Innovate for a SmartFuture', ArchSD continued to participate in the InnoCarnival 2018 from 3 November to 11 November organised by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC). During the event, our display booth displayed innovative sustainable building designs and our colleagues explained the intelligent designs of our project works to visitors.

Display Booth at InnoCarnival 2018

Display Booth at InnoCarnival 2018

Embracing Joy in the City – Hong Kong Flower Show 2018

ArchSD has continuously supported the annual Hong Kong Flower Show organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) since 1990s. The event theme of 2018 is 'Joy in Bloom' and it was ArchSD's mission to design creative and aesthetic landscape features to demonstrate the beauty of the theme flower, Dahlia. Spherical designs and floral art displays allowed our visitors to enjoy the beautiful greenery in our city. This year, we made use of environmentally friendly and recycled materials in our designs to extend the sustainable development message to the general public.

Circular Shapes as the Major Design Element of ArchSD's Display

Circular Shapes as the Major Design Element of ArchSD's Display