Management and Engagement

Establishing Our Main Focus Areas and Materiality

GRI102-42, GRI102-44, GRI102-46, GRI102-47

By integrating the feedback of stakeholders via our engagement channels and independent interviews, we identified the sustainability areas that accord to their interests and to the existing or potential impact on our operations, services and connections. We also align with global initiatives – the UNSDGs. In the reporting year, we have updated the list of sustainability issues as material to our operations. We also reviewed the mapping with the UNSDGs which are of the highest relevancy and subject to impacts created by ArchSD's operations. This exercise has helped us focus on the formulation of policies and measures to improve particular sustainability performance.

This report focuses on those areas, with our strategies and practices showcased in the relevant chapters.


Procurement Practices




Occupational Health and Safety

Training and Education


Community Investment




Effluents and Waste

Environmental Compliance

Supplier Environmental Assessment

Green Building