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Message From The Director


Dear friends

This is my first Sustainability Report after receiving the baton last December. Many thanks to my predecessors and all colleagues - the Architectural Services Department (ArchSD) is operating well, yet we still step beyond our comfort zone to explore opportunities for continuous improvement to achieve "Build Green • Build Smart" for enriching our living environment.

Together with the concerted efforts of our industry partners, we strive to design, construct and maintain quality buildings with sustainable and innovative features, which in turn contributes to the sustainable development of the city. Altogether we garnered more than 35 awards for outstanding sustainable- and quality-building designs in 2017. We are excited to share these innovative designs on green elements and smart technologies in this Report. We are also pleased to see these collaborative success and encouraging results in 2017, having reached the set annual targets in areas such as design betterment, public safety, buildability and cost control.

We will identify areas of further co-operation as advocated in the "Hong Kong Construction 2.0". This includes Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) and other new technologies, facilitated by the implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM), Buildability Evaluation System (BES) and Corporate Intelligence (CO-i). Through our knowledge sharing culture, we will continue to conduit all stakeholders and co-venture to uplift operational efficiency and professional capabilities.

My heartfelt thanks to the valued contribution by all of our colleagues, industry partners and stakeholders!

Let us join hands to shape our vibrant city to become greener and smarter. Tell us what you think we could do better. Do share your feedback or comments and use this platform to build stronger ties amongst us.

Sylvia Lam
