In light of the pressing climate and environmental changes, ArchSD does not only leverage our expertise in architecture to build for the city's sustainability and climate-resilience, but also shoulder our indispensable responsibilities as a government department to create a green workplace. We developed a departmental Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety Policy with commitments to achieving pollution prevention, as well as and energy and natural resources consumption reduction. We also focus on fostering employee environmental awareness through programmes and daily engagement to optimise our sustainability efforts.
Alongside with the policy, our Integrated Management System (IMS) has been serving as the foundation of our exhaustive environmental and energy management (ISO 14001 and ISO 50001), occupational health and safety (ISO 45001) and quality management (ISO 9001). By doing so, we benchmark and attach ourselves to international standards. The systematic approach also allows us to formulate guidelines, procedures and strategies for the monitoring and improvement of energy, waste, water and indoor air quality performance.
The concerted efforts from our management and staff has earned ArchSD once again the Hong Kong Green Organisation Certificate (HKGOC). The consecutive recognition from the Environmental Campaign Committee serves as a testimony and future motivation to our conscientious contributions to the environmental protection in workplace.