Built in 1914, three years after the Chinese Nationalist Revolution, Kom Tong Hall is located on Castle Road in the Mid-levels. The four-storey Edwardian structure was the private residence of magnate Ho Kom Tong. The building was later occupied by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints for over 40 years. In 2004, the Hong Kong SAR Government decided to acquire it and transforming it into a museum commemorating Dr Sun Yat-sen.
Concept The restoration followed the two-stage Conservation Plan methodology set by Australian scholar James Semple Kerr. The first phase involves understanding the place, gathering and analyzing the evidence and assessing and stating significance. The second stage involves the formulation of conservation policy and its implementation.
A high priority was given to minimize irreversible intervention while meeting the functional requirements of a contemporary museum. Key architectural features are restored using appropriate means while building services installations pertaining the operations are installed in a discrete manner.