Build Robust Sustainability Governance

Our Strategy and Approach
Sustainability drives the way we work with our stakeholders in the communities we serve. From driving development to preserving heritage, we are committed to addressing environmental challenges, providing safe and healthy workplaces and enriching the well-being and resilience of our communities through fostering people-centric design, capacity building, innovative and smart construction technologies.
ArchSD has a sound governance system with long-term sustainability objectives and a mechanism for monitoring progress.
Senior Staff Forum
A Senior Staff Forum (SSF) is in place to oversee the internal operations and implementation of sustainability strategies and policies, supported by internal committees and working group across the organisation to drive and implement sustainability initiatives.
Chaired by the Director, the SSF
The SSF also reviews the projects’ potential negative impacts in both short- and long-term on the surrounding community, including environmental and social impacts. These concerns are clearly outlined in the Department’s tender documents for mitigation or remediation by the contractor.

Mr. Michael LI, JPDirector of Architectural Services

Mr. Alan SINDeputy Director of Architectural Services

Mr. M.C. CHUNGAssistant Director (Architectural)

Mr. M. Y. CHANAssistant Director (Buildling Services)

Mr. Raymond CHANAssistant Director (Property Services)

Ms. Katherine LEUNGAssistant Director (Quantity Surveying)

Mr. C. Y. KANAssistant Director (Structural Engineering)

Ms. Winnie CHONGDepartmental Secretary

Ms. Athena FUNGProject Director/1

Mr. Edward WONGProject Director/2

Mr. Andrew FUNGProject Director/3

Mr. Ben YEUNGProject Director/4