Build Robust Sustainability Governance

UNSDG 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthUNSDG 13: Climate ActionUNSDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Embedding Sustainability

We integrate sustainable development considerations into every stage of project delivery and facet of our operations. We have established a set of policies, guidelines and system controls, striving to maintain the highest standards across all our services and operations:

Policies and Guidelines

Quality, Environmental, Anti-bribery, Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Our commitment to long-term sustainability is reflected in the Quality, Environmental, Anti-bribery, Occupational Health and Safety Policy and its guidelines outlined below:

  1. Fulfil the agreed requirements of our clients to the highest professional standards.
  2. Deliver our services in an environmentally responsible manner by implementing conservation of energy, preventing pollution and reducing the consumption of natural resources to protect the environment.
  3. Manage to eliminate our hazards and reduce our occupational health and safety risks to ensure and provide a safe and occupational healthy environment for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health from our staff, our contractors and other people who may be affected by our work.
  4. Involve and, where appropriate, consult our staff, our contractors and other people who may be affected by our work, and their representatives in the improvement of our occupational health and safety performance.
  1. Fulfil all compliance obligations including applicable legislation and other requirements, and wherever practicable, to achieve standards beyond those that are legally required.
  2. Provide adequate resources and training to all staff and provide appropriate training to persons working for or on behalf of ArchSD and to continually improve our quality, environmental, anti-bribery, occupational health and safety management system to enhance performance and effectiveness.
  3. Promote ArchSD’s principles of quality, environmental sustainability, anti-bribery, occupational health and safety to our partners in work, the construction industry and the general public.
  4. Prohibit bribery, encourage raising concerns and commit to continual improvement of anti-bribery management system.

Integrated Management System

To align our services and operations with international standards, ArchSD has developed an Integrated Management System (IMS) comprising quality, environmental, anti-bribery, occupational health and safety and energy management aspects with the following international standards:

Integrated Management System (IMS) Accredited Certification

Integrated Management System (IMS) Accredited Certification

ISO 9001:2015  Accredited Certification

ISO 9001:2015 Accredited Certification

ISO 14001:2015  Accredited Certification

ISO 14001:2015 Accredited Certification

ISO 37001:2016  Accredited Certification

ISO 37001:2016 Accredited Certification

ISO 45001:2018  Accredited Certification

ISO 45001:2018 Accredited Certification

ISO 50001:2018  Accredited Certification

ISO 50001:2018 Accredited Certification

We also refer to the ISO 26000:2010 for guidance on operating in a socially responsible way. To foster continuous improvements, ArchSD will monitor and review the performance of our IMS at least once a year.

Supporting the UNSDGs

We support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) which aim to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. We have aligned our operations and sustainability efforts with nine of the UNSDGs to respond and contribute to international sustainable development strategies:

UNSDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

UNSDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

We integrate social considerations and people-centric design into our projects to enhance the quality of urban living. We are also committed to fostering the wellness of our employees and value chain in line with international occupational health and safety standards and best practices, as well as through regular risk assessments and safety inspections.

UNSDG 5: Gender Equality

UNSDG 5: Gender Equality

We value diversity in the workforce and provide equal opportunities for employment, talent and leadership development.

UNSDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

UNSDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

We integrate renewable energy technologies into all projects, design and construct energy-efficient buildings, and leverage advanced technologies in our offices to enhance energy and resource efficiency.

UNSDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

UNSDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

We offer training opportunities to enhance service quality, project efficiency and empower personal and professional development of our people. We also create jobs and develop quality, inclusive and sustainable buildings and facilities to support economic, social and environmental developments in Hong Kong.

UNSDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

UNSDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

We build climate-resilient infrastructure to support sustainable development in Hong Kong. We also foster industry innovation through robust application of innovative and high-productivity construction technologies and materials, guidelines and best practices development, insights sharing, field research, as well as cross-sectoral stakeholder collaboration.

UNSDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

UNSDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

We provide high-quality public buildings and facilities that prioritise safety, inclusiveness and environmental sustainability; promote social interaction among diverse populations; and participate in voluntary services to enhance community wellness. We also embrace innovative technologies and construction methods to reduce our projects’ social and environmental impacts, drive development and enrich cultural heritage.

UNSDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

UNSDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

We reduce waste at source, promote recycling, as well as enhance project planning and collaboration through innovative construction technologies and methods. We also adopt green procurement and conduct regular audits to review our carbon footprint and operational practices to optimise resource efficiency.

UNSDG 13: Climate Action

UNSDG 13: Climate Action

We have established a departmental climate change sub-group and formulated the Carbon Neutrality Strategic Framework to facilitate the low-carbon transformation in Hong Kong’s built environment.

UNSDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

UNSDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

We mobilise resources, advocate sustainable building design and construction, and strengthen engagement with the industry as well as the wider community for enhancing policy coherence and building a more sustainable, resilient and low-carbon future together.