Data Summary

Energy used at the QGO and APB Centre
Electricity consumed[1]kWh4 815 7544 256 3713 699 4153 863 2273 632 543
Electricity intensity[1]kWh/m2190125109113106
CO2 emission equivalent to electricity consumption [2]Tonne CO2-e3 2012 2921 9212 0081 818
Total electricity consumed per employeekWh/employee2 4562 0951 8121 7781 709
Total CO2 emission equivalent to electricity consumption per employeeTonne CO2-e/employee1.5581.0410.8850.9240.855
Renewable energy generated by photovoltaic (PV) panels at the APB CentrekWh7 2468 9159 9606 3778 784
Energy saved by projects [3]
Total energy-saving due to green and low-carbon designGWh24.311.03.515.614.4
CO2 emission equivalentKilotonne CO2-e17.07.72.410.910.0
No. of certified green buildings or under application [4]
Certified green buildings against third-party standardsNumber7131277
Active projects seeking green building certifications against third-party standardsNumber5656695358

Offices at the APB Centre and QGO represent a majority of total ArchSD office space. The percentage of electricity consumption of the whole premises for the ArchSD’s offices at the APB Centre and QGO is assumed to be 100% and 20% respectively.


CO2 emissions intensity of CLP Power and HK Electric from 2019 to 2023 were used for the ArchSD office at the APB Centre and QGO respectively.


Energy-saving is calculated by considering green and low-carbon design features, e.g. building envelope, building services systems and renewable energy technologies, adopted in projects.


‘Third-party standards’ refers to BEAM Plus certified by the Hong Kong Green Building Council.

Fuel consumption by ArchSD pool carsLitre14 55613 19713 54311 46312 110
GHG emissions equivalent to fuel consumption by ArchSD pool cars [5]Tonne CO2-e39.435.736.631.032.8
NOx emissions equivalent to fuel consumption by ArchSD pool cars [6]kg9.9758.2008.0177.5098.794
SOx emissions equivalent to fuel consumption by ArchSD pool cars [6]kg0.2140.1940.1990.1690.178
PM emissions equivalent to fuel consumption by ArchSD pool cars [6]kg0.7340.6040.5900.5530.648
Total Fuel consumption by ArchSD pool cars per employeeLitre/employee7.4236.4956.6325.2755.696
Total GHG emissions equivalent to fuel consumption by ArchSD pool cars per employeeTonne CO2-e/ employee0.0200.0180.0180.0140.015

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission factors for mobile combustion are based on the Guidelines to Account for and Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals for buildings (Commercial, Residential or Institutional Purpose) in Hong Kong, 2010 Edition.


Air pollutant emission factors for mobile combustion are based on The Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department’s (“EPD”) EMFAC-HK Vehicle Emission Calculation model and the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Vehicle Emission Modelling Software - MOBILE6.1

Water consumption by the ArchSD [7]m313 10913 83714 24713 61113 699

Offices at APB Centre and QGO represent a majority of total ArchSD office space. In the calculation process, ArchSD offices at APB Centre and QGO are assumed to consume 100% and 20% of the water of the whole premises, respectively.

A4 paper consumptionReam16 53417 24916 48615 19916 166
A3 paper consumptionReam1 2471 2521 3851 2231 186
Envelope consumptionNo.34 20327 41536 78437 34031 946

Construction & demolition (C&D) materials
C&D waste to landfillsTonne43 97047 76842 04744 98066 182
C&D materials to public landfill areasTonne745 343839 544799 0661 199 771686 341
Recyclable waste collected at the APB Centre
Waste paperkg8 2438 1197 8007 5376 984
AluminiumNo.4 5603 8715 5696 3549 942
Plastic bottlesNo.7 0714 2376 2098 53610 715

Convictions [8] per 100 000 man-hoursArchSD sites
(HK sites)
Monetary value of finesHK$112,00022,0002,000020,000

‘Environmental convictions’ refers to instances of non-compliance associated with the environment, including, but not limited to, violations of permits, standards, and/or regulations associated with waste, air quality and/or emissions, water discharges and hazardous spills.

Staff establishment (as at 31 December of the year) [9]No.1 9612 0322 0422 0332 025

Staff data are extracted from the records kept in the personnel section.

By grade based on Civil Service Staff (%)
Directorate grade staff38 (2.0%)
Professional grade staff542 (28.1%)
Site supervisory staff582 (30.2%)
Technical grade staff421 (21.9%)
Administrative and Support staff343 (17.8%)
By age as at 31 March 2024 (%)
Under 30189 (9.8%)
30-491 261 (65.2%)
50 or above483 (25.0%)
Staff turnover rate by age (no.)
Under 301.0% (19)0.4% (8)
30-501.9% (36)0.7% (14)
51-550.1% (1)0.1% (1)
56 or above2.5% (49)1.6% (30)
New employee hire rate (no.)
Under 301.1% (21)0.5% (9)
30-502.5% (48)0.7% (13)
51-550.1% (1)0.1% (1)
56 or above0% (0)0% (0)
By employment type include Non-Civil Service Contract Staff (%)
Civil Service StaffFull-time1 262 (59.4%)664 (31.2%)
Non-Civil Service Contract StaffFull-time146 (6.9%)36 (1.7%)
Part-time10 (0.5%)8 (0.3%)

Number of training courses (including internal and external seminars/ workshops/ training courses/ visits)No.422422653595704
Number of traineesNo.9 4478 55116 39113 90817 674

Type of StaffTotal Training Hour Received (Hour)Training Hour per Staff (Hour)
Directorate grade staff1 88249.5
1 64224054.730.0
Professional grade staff21 74540.1
12 4749 27141.338.6
Technical grade, site supervisory and general grade staff39 23229.1
31 3187 91433.619.1
Total62 86032.6
45 43417 42536.026.3

Type of StaffNumber of Staff Participating in
Anti-Corruption Training
Percentage of Staff Participating in
Anti-Corruption Training [10]
Directorate grade staff47123.7%
Professional grade staff18233.6%
Technical grade, site supervisory and general grade staff57542.7%

According to the Development Bureau’s Guidelines for Integrity Training Workshop dated 16 July 2018, a 5-year training cycle has been adopted for the ArchSD staff to receive integrity training at regular intervals.

Number of All Employees and Workers [11]Percentage of All Employees and Workers [11]
Covered by the system2 025100%
Covered by the system and internally audited2 025100%
Covered by the system and audited or certified by an external party2 025100%

‘Workers’ refers to persons who are not employees but whose work and/or workplace is controlled by the ArchSD. Contractors' staff directly employed and controlled by the contractors are excluded from this disclosure.

Staff injury cases [12]No.22421
Staff sick leave granted for staff injury casesDay201938.5126

‘Staff injury cases’ refer to reported cases of occupational injuries under the Employee's Compensation Ordinance, resulting in death or incapacity for work over 3 days.

Indirect employee (as at 31 December of the year) [13]No.>=11 000>=10 000>=11 000>=14 000>=14 000

Total man-hours in 2018 to 2023 was extracted from Public Works Programme Construction Site Safety and Environmental Statistics System (PCSES) of the Development Bureau. In the calculation process, each worker is assumed to work for 9 hours per working day every year.

No. of fatalities [14] (ArchSD)No.01 (Male: 1)01 (Male: 1)4 (Male: 4)
Fatal accident rate [14] (ArchSD)per 100 000 man-hours00.00300.0020.01
Fatal accident rate [15] (HK Construction Industry)per 100 000 man-hours0.0040.0050.0060.0050.005
No. of non-fatal accidents [14] (ArchSD)No.82
(Male: 69,
Female: 10,
Unidentified: 3)
(Male: 45,
Female: 14,
Unidentified: 2)
(Male: 83,
Female: 13,
Unidentified: 2)
(Male: 82,
Female: 13,
Unidentified: 1)
(Male: 61,
Female: 15)
Non-fatal accident rate [14] (ArchSD)per 100 000 man-hours0.270.210.310.240.20
Non-fatal accident rate [15] (HK Construction Industry)per 100 000 man-hours0.800.720.810.810.76

Data from 2023 and previous years were extracted from the Public Works Programme Construction Site Safety and Environmental Statistics System (PCSES) of the Development Bureau as at 8 August 2024. From 2019 to 2022, the number of non-fatal accidents and the non-fatal accident rate was adjusted.


The accident rate of the Hong Kong Construction Industry is based on the published statistics of the Labour Department, using a conversion of 1.67 accidents per 100 000 man-hours, which is equivalent to 60 accidents per 1 000 workers per year.