Build Robust Sustainability Governance

Maintaining Integrity and Professionalism
ArchSD attaches great importance to upholding the highest standard of staff conduct and integrity in its operations and practices.
All ArchSD staff are required to comply with the regulations of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance. Any suspicion of bribery or corruption is immediately reported to the SSF and the Independent Commission Against Corruption for further investigation. We are also obliged to comply with the applicable legislation and other requirements, including but not limited to anti-corruption and anti-competitive activities. In 2023, we also obtained new certification for ISO 37001:2016 Anti-bribery Management System.
No case of non-compliance was recorded during the reporting period.
To strengthen awareness of the importance of integrity, we held 19 workshops on Corruption Prevention & Capacity Building for ArchSD staff and contractors’ staff, 2 refresher workshops for ArchSD staff while also conducting 2 sessions on Integrity Management for new recruits during the year.
Employee Rights
We strictly comply with the Employment Ordinance. We respect the employment rights of our staff as well as enhance their capabilities and technical proficiency by:
- providing employee benefits
- offering on-going technical training opportunities

We consider the safety of our staff and industry partners to be of paramount importance. On our construction sites, we strive to ensure that all personnel adhere fully to or outperform the statutory safety requirements and the guidelines published by the Development Bureau. In the early stage of large-scale projects, Labour Relations Officers are appointed to resolve any safety-related disputes that may arise between contractors and workers.
In addition, we organise and participate in events, as well as develop guidelines to promote good safety management standards and practices. These include:
- ArchSD Standard on Universal Accessibility Provisions and Elderly-friendly Design Guidelines
- ArchSD’s Site Safety Model Workers Award Scheme
- Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme co-organised by the Development Bureau and Construction Industry Council

Handling Complaints
Should a dispute arise within our own ranks, a grievance handling mechanism is in place to enable staff to raise any complaint in strict confidence to his or her Departmental Staff Complaints Officer. Similar procedures are in place for handling sexual harassment complaints according to the procedures established by the Civil Service Bureau.

Client Satisfaction
To optimise our performance and service quality, we conduct annual client satisfaction surveys. With a view to driving continuous improvements, we have set up a team dedicated to handling client feedback and opinions.
During the reporting period, 100% of the completed projects achieved a “Satisfied” rating or above on our overall performance.