Highlights of the Year
Achievements and Way Forward
At the ArchSD, we seek continuous improvements in our sustainability performance. To this end, we have formulated our annual plan and identified 4 strategic focus areas, aiming to advance smart innovations and low-carbon transformation, enhance project quality, productivity and safety, empower talents while bringing positive impacts on the well-being and prosperity of local communities and individuals.
Achievements in 2023
Targets for 2024
- Explored and applied advanced construction methods and smart technologies in new works projects and facilities upkeep. These include wide adoption of BIM from planning to construction stages and various applications of robotics, drone, AI, IoT and AR tools in smart advisory, site supervision, site safety and facilities.
- Innovative Construction Focus Group explored and shared trends and latest applications of innovative construction technologies and conducted site visits to exchange ideas with the industry stakeholders.

- Adopt innovation and new techniques to enhance internal processes, smart workflow, business facilitation and to uplift overall productivity, quality and safety in facilities development and upkeep.
- Promote application of robotics, AI, applied R&D, new materials and digitalisation of public works to cultivate new concepts and technologies through wider adoption in our projects.
People-centric Design
Achievements in 2023
Targets for 2024
- Formulated the “3A Strategy” under the Carbon Neutrality Strategic Framework, conducted “Let’s have a Chat” engagement exercise with industry partners and shared the strategy in the Eco Expo Asia 2023.
- Developed and published a design thinking toolkit and a design guide arising from POSsible!, a cross-sectoral collaborative design innovation process to reinvent public open spaces for improving urban planning and liveability.

- Promote the integration of AI in inclusive, sustainable and green building design, and strive towards carbon neutrality in design and construction of livable Hong Kong to enhance the well-being of the city and its citizens.
- Engage stakeholders through wider participation and various communication channels and platforms to sharing of experiences, understand people’s needs and to building up wider consensus and recognition of our works.
Sense of Purpose
Achievements in 2023
Targets for 2024
- ArchSD Volunteer Service Team participated in various community services helping those in need including the elderly, students, people with special needs and limited mobilities.
- Leveraged government’s digital and social media platforms to promote ArchSD’s quality professional services through interviews with young and aspiring staff of different disciplines.

- Empower new generation and groom talents to foster a sense of purpose, recognition and team spirit in serving the community, and to promote professional image and safety culture of the industry.
- Encourage continual improvement and cultivate resilience and can-do attitude to accept challenge amid normalcy as well as critical times.
Slim and Trim
Achievements in 2023
Targets for 2024
- Implemented various corporate intelligence projects to streamline processing time and save paper works.
- Continued the development of Digital Works Supervision System (DWSS) including the implementation of Smart Site Safety and e-Material Submission to promote a work-smart culture and harness benefits of digitalisation.

- Trim and streamline cumbersome procedures and obsolete practices to spur changes for higher efficiency and effectiveness.
- Promote work smart culture and harness benefits of robotics, AI, digitalisation, e-workflow and new information technology.